Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Japanese World Heritage Sites (1993-1998)

Above, Kinkaku-ji "Golden Pavilion" in Kyoto, Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

MATCHA, The Japan Travel Web Magazine has articles listing World Heritage Sites in Japan.

They are divided into two entries. The first one covers 1993 to 1998. I have visited some of them. One of them is pictured above.

Before listing the sites (along with photos), they began the article with:
Do you know how many World Heritage Sites are in Japan at this moment (2014.5)? 13 Cultural Heritages, and 4 Natural Heritages so totally here are 17 World Heritages Sites. 
We gathered them on two entries. Let’s go on to the first half!
To see the first entry, go here.

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