Friday, May 16, 2014

Leonard Maltin: "Godzilla" Is A Terrific Piece of Entertainment

What a difference 16 years makes!

In 1998, the Sony/TriStar Godzilla hit the movie screens and died a withering death at the box office. (Yes, I know it made money, but not what the studio hoped for and the movie was so bad that no sequels were made and, as a further insult, a cartoon series (based on the movie) had critical acclaim.)

This time, Godzilla was produced by Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. and has been given high marks (generally four out of five stars or three out of four stars) by movie critics. That is a 180-degree about-face from 1998.

Movie critic Leonard Maltin has joined other critics who have lavished praise on the latest Godzilla:
Who says a big Hollywood monster movie has to be dumb? Godzilla is a terrific piece of entertainment that doesn’t insult its audience and gives us more than our money’s worth. Fans can rest assured that this easily eclipses the last American remake, from 1998, and builds on the established mythology of the fabled post-atomic monster who debuted in 1954. He is even referred to by his original Japanese name, Gojira. Screenwriter Max Borenstein and director Gareth Edwards generate a compelling premise, with credible characters, and build suspense every step of the way toward the movie’s spectacular conclusion.
To read the rest of Maltin's review, go here

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