Thursday, May 15, 2014

Roland Emmerich, "All Is Forgiven" Says Boston Herald Reviewer

A Godzilla review in the Boston Herald by James Verniere will either make you jump for joy (as he claims he's a Godzilla purist) or make you want to upchuck your dinner.

Here's what he has to say (in part):
‘Godzilla” purists, count me among them, are going to be appalled by this “Godzilla” “reboot” from Legendary Pictures. This shaky-cam kaiju movie rewrites essential “Godzilla” mythology and makes the beast a giant reptilian superhero out to save the world, not destroy it. 
What next? Will it join the Avengers? The original Godzilla was a dreaded death bringer on a massive scale, a prehistoric dragon with the breath of an A-bomb that goes on a rampage, destroying Tokyo and leaving it ablaze and thousands of its citizens dead. Yes, he was a guy in a rubber suit, but what a suit it was, becoming a global, iconic image. Go, go, Godzilla. 
This new computer-generated Godzilla, which we do not even see until 60 minutes in, is nothing like that. This Godzilla is the kid-friendly defender of humanity that became more and more clownlike in the endless, mostly terrible Toho sequels. Come back, Roland Emmerich, whose 1998 “Godzilla” has grown better with age. All is forgiven.
Thus far, this is the only review that pans the Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros. Godzilla. If this guy is really a "Godzilla purist," there's no way in hell that he should even contemplate forgiving Roland Emmerich.

To read more (if you dare), go here.

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