Thursday, May 29, 2014

Shinjuku Kinokuniya Bookstore Reopens Expanded Foreign Language Book Section

Above, the Little Tokyo Kinokuniya Bookstore. Photo by Amber Vaquer.

The leading bookstore chain in Japan, Kinokuniya Co., announced that they have reopened the newly expanded Shinjuku South store's English and foreign language book section.

According to Kyodo News:
Japan's leading bookstore chain operator Kinokuniya Co. reopened its newly expanded section for English and other foreign language books at its main Tokyo store on Thursday. 
Covering the entire sixth floor of about 1,000 square meters at Kinokuniya's Shinjuku South Store, the new section offers a broader collection of fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and comic books totaling about 120,000 titles, twice the previous number, the firm said. 
The Tokyo-based company, which opened its first store in Japan in 1927, said the section named Books Kinokuniya Tokyo will be one of the largest of its kind in Japan.
The Little Tokyo (Los Angeles) Books Kinokuniya carries The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan and is one of my main stops whenever I visit Little Tokyo.

Above, the travel section of the Little Tokyo Kinokuniya Bookstore. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To read the full article, go here

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