Friday, May 30, 2014

The Average Tourist From Different Countries

Above, a Malibu Beach sunset with a Channel Island in the distance. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Generally, this blog's focus when it comes to travel is usually Japan and some places of interest in the United States (such as national parks).

Business Insider has posted some interesting trends about foreign tourists who come to the U.S. from nine different countries.

They begin with:
Australian tourists are relatively rich, Chinese tourists are relatively young, and Japanese tourists really like packaged tours. 
These are just some of the trends we observed in the latest data on visitors to the United States from the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries. Overall, 66.7 million visitors from around the world spent $165.6 billion in the U.S. in 2012. We focused on the nine countries with the most visitors, not counting Mexico due to inconsistent data.
Since this blog focuses mostly on Japan, I'll give you a little tease on what they wrote about Japanese tourists:
3.7 million people from Japan visited the U.S. in 2012, spending $16.5 billion. 72% of them visited for the main purpose of vacation.  
The average age of a Japanese male visitor was 44, while the average age for females was 36.
The nine countries are Japan, Brazil, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, South Korea, France, Australia and China.

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