Thursday, July 24, 2014

Godzilla 2014 and Uncle Forry

Above, the two goodies that arrived in today's mail. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today is working out very nicely! The mailman (or do we call them "mail-carriers"?) arrived and with him (or her) were two packages.

Above, "Uncle 4 E's" signature. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, the cover of Cult Movies #34. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The first, was a TuffGard bubble mailer. Inside, was a copy of Cult Movies No. 34. I may already have this issue as it looks familiar, but that's not why I am very pleased with it. Inside, on the Table of Contents page, is the signature of the late, great Forrest J. Ackerman of Famous Monsters of Filmland fame. I was fortunate enough to meet Ackerman at G-Fest 1999 in Burbank. Larry Bach, an old friend from high school sent it. Domo arigato gozaimasu, Larry!

Above, a close-up of the new Godzilla 2014 toy. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The second package contained the 12" Godzilla 2014 figure I ordered. It is a nice figure and represents the 2014 Godzilla very well, right down to the chubby ankles. What is G-fandom going to call this Godzilla? Cankle-zilla? Gareth-Goji?

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