Sunday, July 27, 2014

Japan's Shinkansen "Dream Team"

Above, a shinkansen cleaning crew member waiting to begin work at Tokyo Station. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of the nice things about Japan's shinkansens (bullet trains) are the near-spotless conditions one finds inside the train cars upon boarding.

This is due to the cleaning crews, who only have minutes to clean each train before passengers board. has an article about the cleaning crews which includes a fascinating video of seats being reset.

They wrote:
We aren’t quite sure what is quicker, Japan’s bullet train system or its workers who would give some NASCAR pit crews a run for their money. 
BBC’s The Travel Show recently posted a video that profiles the astounding and highly efficient Japanese bullet trains. The brief video gives viewers a glimpse of how the system manages to haul around a reported 150 million commuters every year, all while maintaining the stunning aesthetic quality of each cabin’s interior.
Check out the BBC video at the link above.

To read the article and see the seat reset video, go here.

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