Sunday, July 13, 2014

Keeping Up With Changes

Above, Miki Hayashi with The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Life sometimes (or quite a lot) interferes with "things to do" plans. Such was the case of keeping the ad up at craigslist for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

It had been since October that I last had the ad renewed. A month ago, I finally got around to renewing it. In the meantime, after the last renewal post and the first re-post attempt last month, cragislist apparently re-did their rules and I couldn't re-post the old ad. They apparently made some changes to the posting of goods. I guess it serves me right for not keeping up with any changes at craigslist as I should have.

I had to do some slight editing and post it in a different location in order to have it approved. But, once that was done, I've been able to renew it twice (and renewal number three was today) with no problems to have to contend with.

While I prefer the old ad for various reasons, the new one has been working out pretty good.

To see the current re-post, go here.

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