Saturday, July 12, 2014

Nagasaki Streetcar Beer Trolly

Above, a Nagasaki streetcar in 2007. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Leave it to the Japanese to come up interesting and innovative things.

The latest is the Nagasaki beer tram.

According to The Japan Times:
Nagasaki Electric Tramway Co. is again offering passengers the chance to down a beer while enjoying the city’s landscape from the safety of a specially designed electric tram. 
The annual service by the private streetcar operator is ¥3,000 for a 90-minute ride. 
With counter seats facing the windows, passengers are allowed to drink all they want from a range of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, and even enjoy a meal. The car will run the Nagasaki city tracks once a day until Sept. 20.
I visited Nagasaki in 2007 and found that their primary means of public transit to be by streetcar trollies. They reminded me of the streetcars that ran in Los Angeles until 1963.

It sounds like a nice, relaxing way to tour around Nagasaki. Just climb aboard and have a brew poured (and/or have a meal served). Reservations are required.

To read the full article, go here

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