Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beware! Japan's Airports Allow Wi-Fi Snooping

Above, any one of these people at Narita Airport can be Wi-Fi snooping. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

If you are in Japan and while waiting for your flight to board you log into the Internet at any one of Japan's major airports with their free Wi-Fi service, your online information is vulnerable to snoopy people.

According to an article in News On Japan:
Users of free wireless Internet connections at Japan's Narita, Kansai and Kobe airports are vulnerable to electronic eavesdropping of their e-mail and web browsing, a study by an information and communications specialist showed Tuesday. 
Such risks can be prevented by encrypting Wi-Fi connections, but the three airports refrain from doing so in favour of user convenience, as password entry would be required for encrypted Internet connections. 
Free Wi-Fi connections are available at about 900,000 locations nationwide including public facilities and convenience stores, but many of them are not encrypted, according to Masakatsu Morii, a professor at a graduate school of engineering at Kobe University.

I have used Narita's free Wi-Fi service in the past. But, I make sure nothing of a sensitive nature is entered for anyone to see or steal.

To read the full article, go here.

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