Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Putin To Ban U.S. Agricultural Products

Vlad the Invader is planning to retaliate against the U.S. and the European nations who have cranked up the sanctions against Russia over the continuing problems over the Ukraine and the shoot-down of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.

According to the Associated Press (posted by The Japan News):
MOSCOW (AP)—Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday hit back hard against countries that have imposed sanctions over the Ukraine crisis, ordering trade cuts that an official said would include a ban on all imports of agricultural products from the United States. 
The full list of products to be banned or limited for up to one year is to be published Thursday. But the state news agency RIA Novosti quoted Alexei Alexeenko of Russia’s plant and veterinary oversight service as saying “from the USA, all products that are produced there and brought to Russia will be prohibited.” 
Alexeenko also was quoted as saying he thinks all fruits and vegetables from European Union countries will also be banned.
Well, when your child refuses to eat his or her vegetables at dinner time, you can say, "Think of the starving Russians!"

This matter really won't be resolved until Putin is overthrown.

To read more, go here.

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