Thursday, August 7, 2014

Rep. Julia Brownley "Reaches Across Aisle" To German Luftwaffe In Mailer

Above, our tax dollars paid for this.

More evidence that liberal Democrats are just plain stupid has been supplied by Rep. Julia Brownley of California's 26th Congressional District in neighboring Camarillo and Ventura.

She sent out a mailer, at taxpayer expense, to constituents that contains several photos. One of the photos is of an attractive young woman in a military uniform. Unfortunately, the uniform is not a U.S. uniform.

The Daily Caller reported:
Democratic lawmaker Julia Brownley sent a political mailer to her constituents in late July featuring a woman wearing fake military attire and a German Luftwaffe insignia — apparently unaware that the costume was not an official uniform worn by U.S. personnel. 
On Monday Jeff Gorell, Brownley’s Republican opponent in California’s 26 congressional district, sent out a press release highlighting the congresswoman’s taxpayer-funded faux pas.
With the photo, the headline reads, "Reaching Across The Aisle For Better Results." Apparently it isn't the aisle separating Democrats and Republicans in Congress. It must be an aisle in the German Bundestag.

To read The Daily Caller article, go here.

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