Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Favorite Superman Cover

Above, Superman no. 174. Cover by Curt Swan (pencils) and George Klein (inks).

Thanks to Bruce Kanin for posting the above cover art of Superman no. 174 (cover date January 1965) at Facebook, I am reminded that this is one of my favorite covers by the late, great Superman artist Curt Swan (February 17, 1920 – June 17, 1996).

I became even more impressed with the cover when I took art classes and learned how to work with perspective. Perspective is a bit of a complicated technique to do and Swan accomplished it expertly here. This made me appreciate it even more. Sadly, one doesn't see this kind of workmanship in comic books much anymore.

Above, Curt Swan circa 1986 with a 3D shadowbox creation by Todd R. Reis of a Swan cover. Photo courtesy of Todd R. Reis.

The cover was inked by one of the best Swan inkers, George Klein.

To learn more on Curt Swan, a new Facebook group has been set up, The Silver Age Mythology of Superman. It is a closed group, with membership subject to approval.


  1. Thanks for sharing my old photos.
    FYI There is also another closed group on Facebook (submit a request to join) called "Curt Swan, Legendary Comic Book Superman"
    You might also be interested in "The Silver Age of Comic Book Art" on Facebook.

  2. Thanks for sharing my old photo.
    The link goes to my ETSY store where I'm selling a few of my older 3D. My own website is under construction. On Facebook check out my own fan page "The Unique 3D Shadowbox Art of Todd R Reis" for more info on what I do.
    There are 3 other private groups on Facebook related to Swan (that I'm aware of) you might be interested in: "Curt Swan, Legendary Comic Book Superman", "The Silver Age of Comic Book Art", and "The Comic Book Spinner Rack"
