Thursday, September 18, 2014

Preparation Steps To Travel To Japan

Above, a shinkansen window view of Kyoto. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Some of you may be seriously considering a trip to Japan now that the U.S. dollar is doing much better against the yen (it is now at 108.53 to 108.55 yen per dollar) in exchange.

Before going, it is best to do some studying so that your trip goes smoothly.

Kavita Joshi, on her blog, Kavita Yoshi Travels has ten good tips you may want to take a look at, especially if you are a solo traveler.

She begins with:
Some of you must be wondering that how did I prepare myself to go to Japan and travelled there so smoothly. Yes I did have some preparation before I left as you all know its a country with different culture and language which makes it hard to travel in such countries if you are not much familiar with the customs and the language. I had some hiccups where I had trouble asking for directions along with boarding the wrong bus and some other small things that are part of travel I think and we need to be ready to tackle any such things while travelling solo.
To read her ten tips for a trouble-free trip, go here

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