Sunday, October 26, 2014

California's 30th Congressional District: Vote For Mark Reed

Above, Armand with Mark Reed in 2010.

In a little over a week from now is Election Day.

I was going to post ballot recommendations, primarily on the California propositions and judges, but somehow, my sample ballot (that I had completed) had disappeared.

I will have to re-do it if it doesn't show up (I doubt it will). I may do a blog post on California ballot recommendations if it turns up (or if I get riled up enough).

However, there is one choice that is on the ballot is the candidate for U.S. Congress for the 30th Congressional District I can easily recommend: Mark Reed.

The 30th Congressional District is comprised mainly of Chatsworth, Encino, Woodland Hills, Canoga Park and, my community, Tarzana.

It is a newly-formed district, having been created from the last census. The first election for the new district in 2012 pitted Rep. Brad Sherman and Rep. Howard Berman, both Democrats. Since the state's crazy "top two vote-getters" primary system, no matter what party they're in, had Berman and Sherman battle for the seat, I held my nose and backed Sherman. He won.

Now, this year, things are a little more "normal" and I have a much better choice.

Mark Reed is a mainstream Republican candidate who would make an excellent congressman. His chances are very slim, given that the party registration very much favors the Democrats. But I urge a vote for Mark Reed, even from Democrats who are equally concerned over the mess their party leaders have made of this country and state.

From Mark Reed's campaign website:

Ask yourself;  
Is Congress and the Federal Government doing a good job?  
Would you retain an employee if you only approved of his performance 10% of the time?  
On November 4th you have the power to change that by choosing new representation. I'm humbly asking for your vote. I have a strong belief that real representation will put country before party and people before politics.  
I am running for Congress in California's 30th District to bring our voice to Washington D.C. and express our concerns and needs.  
Because of partisan politics, our country is mired in multiple scandals, including the VA, the IRS and Benghazi. We are over 17 trillion dollars in debt, welfare spending has been increased by 60% and 43 million people are now collecting food stamps. Over nine million jobs have vanished, millions have given up looking for work, and the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high. Economic growth is stuck in the 2%-3% range. In the first quarter of 2014 the GDP plummeted 2.5%.  
World respect for the United States is at an all-time low. Our Mid-East policy is in complete disarray, and for the first time since 1947, Israel's existence is truly in danger. Radical Islam, Russia, Iran and China are on the march. Iraq has disintegrated since we withdrew our troops, and ISIS (the Islamic State) has declared the Islamic Caliphate in the heart of the Middle East, stretching from northern Syria to Baghdad, Iraq. The recent Affordable Health Care Act rollout has been an ongoing disaster with millions losing their healthcare insurance, their family doctor, and their local hospital.

Please join my campaign by making a donation or volunteering some of your talents and time. Please send me an email or join me at one of my events. Together we can restore America for our grandchildren and preserve the freedoms promised to us by our Founding Fathers.  
I am humbly asking for your vote on November 4th.  
God bless you and God Bless America.  
Mark Reed 

Mark Reed's campaign website is here:

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