Saturday, October 25, 2014

Japan Issues Safety Guidelines For Tourists

Above, Fukuoka Tower. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Suppose you are in Japan on vacation (or even business) and disaster strikes. The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has created some guidelines just in case something happens.

According to an article posted in the Bangkok Post:
TOKYO — The Japan National Tourism Agency has released guidelines for supporting foreign tourists in major disasters including earthquakes, prompted by the rising number of foreign visitors to Japan. 
The guidelines urge local governments, hotels and other tourist facilities to specify multilingual instructions and consultations, stockpiles, including of religious items, and other measures in their antidisaster and evacuation plans. 
Noting that visitors who have never experienced an earthquake may panic, the guidelines provide specific examples of instructions including an advisory to protect the head.
I've felt two earthquakes in Japan. Since I am from earthquake-prone California, I am used to them.

To read more, go here

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