Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Thanksgiving Message From Nebraska's Soon-To-Be Newest U.S. Senator

Above, Ben Sasse on the campaign trail with Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Ted Cruz.

Nebraska's Ben Sasse was elected to the United States Senate a few weeks ago as part of the enormous "wave" that swept out the Democrats and swept in Republicans. Thankfully, the financial support I gave him paid off. 

I received the following Thanksgiving message:

Dear Armand,

Last year, our family ate Thanksgiving dinner at the Days Inn in Kimball, Nebraska. It was incredible.

After a day spent with three kids on an RV, we checked into our hotel. I must have looked as exhausted as I felt because, as soon as we brought in our bags, the owners welcomed us to their own dinner—turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pies. Complete strangers opened their home and showed our kids what generosity looks like.

That memory will stay with us but that kindness is not uncommon. That’s Nebraska. Over the past year, our family met countless big-hearted, hard-working Nebraskans. You shared your ideas with Melissa and me and taught our kids what Nebraska values are all about.

This Thanksgiving, while we are thankful to be gathered around our own table, we are grateful for your support and humbled by the new vocation you have given us.

Washington, D.C. isn’t the center of life. It’s Kimball, Nebraska. That’s why we teach our kids to live lives of gratitude and service to their family and neighbors. That’s why we have an obligation to leave them a great, free, and opportunity-filled country. And that’s why we’ll work for a more humble politics next year in Congress.

Thank you for your example and your support. May God bless you.

--Ben and Melissa Sasse

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