Saturday, November 15, 2014

"El Lago"

Above, Siren and Lola wondering, "What the hell happened to our house?" Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday, at Jes's suggestion, I took a bunch of photos of the water damage inside of my apartment. One of the photos had our pets, Siren (the cat) and Lola (the dog) included. I cropped it to just focus on them. Their looks seem to be one of wondering what happened to our house. I sent the picture to a friend. After looking it over, she replied, "Yes, that about sums it up very well. They don't like changes that rock their world."

Well, shortly after 8:00 this morning, the plumbers showed up and began work on digging out the cement floor to repair the hot water line that gave out yesterday morning. So, I am kicking back at Starbucks.

In a new development, the water spread into the kitchen, bedroom closet and bedroom floor of my neighbor's apartment. This could have also been avoided had the property management company jumped on this and immediately got a crew out while the damage was still minimal. Instead, the plumber showed up nearly 22 hours after I reported it, allowing my apartment to become "el lago."

Above, the plumber digging up the floor to get to the burst pipe. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Jes is heading to her father's today, so she won't have to put up with the hassle of dealing with this mess. I had a long talk with the building manager and told her what I expected to be done (politely, but firmly). She will be talking with her supervisor with the property management company.

This will be interesting.

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