Monday, November 3, 2014

Tsunagu Japan: "19 Things That I Miss About Japan"

Above, a Tokyo sushi restaurant in Asakusa. Sushi was number one on the list. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

No matter what country one's from, they always seem to end up missing certain aspects of Japan after paying a visit there.

A writer from Southern Italy paid a short visit to Japan earlier this year and she managed to come up with 19 items she missed about Japan after returning home. It is posted at Tsunagu Japan.

She began her article with:
My boyfriend and I visited Japan earlier this year. We tried to cover as many places as we can during our three-week travel. The trip though was short, and we found ourselves missing many things, but somehow, we find ourselves still talking about Japan every now and then after our return. 
I’m pretty sure everyone who had visited Japan whether for leisure, education or business, you will find yourself missing the country, whether it’s because of the culture, food, fashion, or whatever else. Here are the things that I really miss about Japan after my short trip.

To read what she misses, go here

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