Monday, December 8, 2014

34 Years Ago Tonight...

34 years ago tonight, I was driving south on Aviation Blvd. in Manhattan Beach on some errand (long forgotten after all these years) when a news bulletin came on the radio: John Lennon was shot outside of his apartment building in New York City.

It was a surreal night. After I got home from the errand, I was flipping around different television stations for news reports. One would say Lennon died. Another would say he was still alive. And so on.

Between catching news reports on television or through different rock stations in Los Angeles (KLOS, KMET and KRTH), I was on the phone with a friend, Paul Evans, who was a Lennon fan.

Our favorite post-Beatles Lennon album was the "Plastic Ono Band" LP with "Imagine" a close second.

It still seems like almost yesterday.

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