Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hacker Reveals Jennifer Lawrence Is Paid Less Than Male Co-Stars

Above, Jennifer Lawrence.

It is interesting to learn that the bastion of liberal politics, Hollywood, is neck-deep in sex discrimination when it comes to compensating their stars.

A hacker has reached into the records of Sony Entertainment (Columbia Pictures) and found that Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence was paid less than her male co-stars in American Hustle.

According to The Daily Beast:
The Daily Beast has combed through much of the hundreds of thousands of emails and unearthed many other shocking revelations which you can find here.  
But the most troubling reveal concerning Lawrence is in regard to her financial compensation with hacked emails revealing that the Hunger Games star was compensated less than her male co-stars on American Hustle
In an email dated December 5, 2013, Andrew Gumpert, President of Business Affairs and Administration for Columbia Pictures, wrote to Pascal and Doug Belgrad, President of SPE Motion Picture Group, about the “points”—or back-end compensation—that each actor was to receive on Hustle. (The “Amy” referred to is Amy Adams, “O'Russell” is director David O. Russell, “Renner” is Jeremy Renner, and  “Megan” is Megan Ellison, head of Annapurna Pictures, which co-financed Hustle.)
The funny part is that liberals in the Democratic Party and Hollywood have been claiming that there's a "war on women" by the Republican Party and beating the drums for equality, yet female stars are getting the short end when it comes to compensation by their Hollywood studio masters. This is hypocrisy at its worst.

To read more, go here.

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