Monday, December 22, 2014

L.A. To Tokyo Airfares Still Dropping

Above, a view of Odaiba and Tokyo Bay from Tokyo Tower. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last week, I reported that the Los Angeles Times Travel section found that airline flights from Los Angeles to Tokyo had dropped a tad from the previous week.

That downward trend continued as the Times reported that airfares have dipped to $885.00 on the low end and $1,409.00 on the high end. These are before any taxes or fees have been added. Last week, the fares were at $934.00 on the low end and $1,459.00 on the high end. Again, these prices are before the addition of any fees and taxes.

Unless fares make a drastic change (one way or the other) the next report will be in January 2015.

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