Monday, December 1, 2014

Making The Most Out of Tokyo

Above, the Hotaluna cruise boat on the Sumida River. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Tokyo may be a fast-paced city, but journalists from Reuters have passed on some tips on making the most out of a visit to Tokyo, according to an article in Japan Today.

They wrote:
Tradition can be hard to find amid the lanes and towers of the metropolis of 13 million, the headquarters of corporations such as Sony and host of the 2020 Summer Olympics, mainly due to its reputation as a spick-and-span place that gets things done. 
But a little time, and a willingness to wander, lead to backstreets where blocks of tofu bob in vats of water, tatami mat-makers ply their trade and customers line up in front of ramen shops eager to slurp noodles from steaming bowls. 
Here are tips for getting the most out of a trip to Tokyo from Reuters, whose 2,600 journalists in all parts of the world offer visitors the best local insights.
To see what the tips are, go here. (The photo at top is a clue to one tip in the article.)

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