Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Obama's 'Executive Orders' By Another Name

President Barack Obama is ruling like a "great dictator" and is a liar to boot!

According to USA Today:
WASHINGTON — President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders. 
When these two forms of directives are taken together, Obama is on track to take more high-level executive actions than any president since Harry Truman battled the "Do Nothing Congress" almost seven decades ago, according to a USA TODAY review of presidential documents.
What are presidential memorandas?
Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don't require action by Congress. They have the same force of law as executive orders and often have consequences just as far-reaching. And some of the most significant actions of the Obama presidency have come not by executive order but by presidential memoranda.
Obama has claimed he's used executive power less than other presidents. But the facts say otherwise and exposes another Obama lie:
Obama has issued 195 executive orders as of Tuesday. Published alongside them in the Federal Register are 198 presidential memoranda — all of which carry the same legal force as executive orders.
I don't hold much faith that our wimpy Congressional leaders will do anything about this.

To read more, go here

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