Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Progress Made

Above, cd and dvd racks all in place. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A lot of progress has been made in putting the apartment (La Casa Tarzana) back together again after the water leaks drenched the carpet throughout.

I got a lot done today since it is pouring rain outside (the parking lot is a lake) and with no distractions.

The leaks originated under the kitchen sink and cabinet area in the concrete floor underneath as well as under the bedroom closet. A lot of stuff had to be either dried out (stuff worth saving) or tossed into the dumpster.

Above, Siren's happy. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A new carpet was installed as well as new linoleum floors in the kitchen and bathroom. All that remains to be done is to have the kitchen cabinets rebuilt. This is (supposedly) supposed to be done some time this week.

All the work in putting the furniture and stuff back was done by me. Jes spent the last several weeks with her parents and will be returning home tomorrow. 

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