Saturday, November 7, 2015

2016 Vacation Up The California Coast

Above, Morro Bay."Usa edcp location map" by Uwe Dedering - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons

During dinner last night with my daughter Amber, I asked her where she would like to go on vacation next year in The Beast. Almost immediately, she said, "Monterey!" Specifically, she wants to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

She had been there before, but that was when she was still a baby. The Monterey Bay Aquarium was used in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986).

Since our dinner, I've been thinking about what sort of itinerary we should follow. I am leaning towards a 9-day trip up the California coast on Highway 1. It has been ages since I've driven on that route.

I am leaning towards making short drives, with the first night (or two) in Morro Bay, which was a favorite place to fish of my grandfather. There's great seafood to be had in Morro Bay.

Then going further north to Big Sur for a night or two there.

Next, we head into Carmel, which is next door to Monterey. Carmel is one of my favorite California towns to visit. Clint Eastwood was once the mayor of Carmel and had a restaurant there, The Hog's Breath Inn.

From there, Monterey!

We will have to discuss it further. I like the idea!

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