Friday, November 20, 2015

Japan Government Panel Looking Into New Rules For Rentals of Private Lodgings

Above, Godzilla in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan's Regulatory Reform Council is looking into new rules involving private rentals to foreign tourists and anti-terrorism measures.

The Asahi Shimbun reported:
New rules to govern rental properties for tourists in Japan that may include anti-terrorism measures are being hashed out by the government’s Regulatory Reform Council. 
One idea is to establish a notification system or licensing system for agents or renters of private accommodation due to a growing number of complaints made about such services. 
Motoyuki Oka, chair of the council, also said anti-terror measures should be considered during a meeting on Nov. 19. Oka, also an adviser to Sumitomo Corp., noted that the suspects behind the terror attacks in Paris were believed to have rented long-stay accommodation. 
The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to expand the rented private lodging sector as the nation does not have enough hotel rooms to accommodate the steep rise in foreign tourists.
Since the influx in foreign tourists is straining the availability of hotel accommodations, it would be my recommendation to go visit now before the strain worsens and prices are hiked (remember the law of supply & demand).

To read more, go here

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