Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Japan-Guide's Kyoto Autumn Color Report

Above, some autumn coloring at Kinkaku-ji last month. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When we visited Kyoto last month, the trees in the city were barely just starting to go into fall color mode. We toured Kinkaku-ji and Kiyomizu-dera and saw some, but little, evidence of autumn coloring. has posted a report on the current state of autumn colors.

Above, the foliage around Kiyomizu-dera had some hints of fall coloring in October. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

They begin their report with:
Today I headed out west to pick up the autumn color (koyo) coverage in Kyoto. The peak colors around much of western Japan appear to be slightly delayed this year, probably due to the abnormally warm, overcast weather that they have been experiencing over the last couple of weeks. As a result, the timing of this year's peak in Kyoto has shifted a week or so later than normal. That puts it more in line with the progression of the colors around Tokyo, whereas in a normal year Kyoto tends to peak ahead of Tokyo.
To read more and to see the photographs they posted, go here

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