Saturday, November 14, 2015

Reaction To My Retirement

I'm bored. I'm going back to work.


Since I announced my FTS*, I received a number of well-wishes.

Here's a sample of them:

"Congratulations!!!!!! I retired five years ago and while I miss the people I worked with, I do not miss the 'rat race'! Take a little time for your self and get into a new 'groove' and routine. I go to the gym three days a week and do 'free' work locally. We do travel a little and have gotten to take longer trips from our home in Alaska to the 'lower 48'.
Congrats on the retirement! We did it back in 2010 and have loved every minute of it!
Good luck, happy trails, and God bless!
I got fed up of all the travel I had to do, mostly to the Islamic world. I asked for an alternative assignment and was refused. After one particularly hard trip, I checked my BP on a machine in the company cafeteria Friday lunchtime and got a reading of 225/160. After the following 3-day weekend it was 135/75. Stress-related hypertension? - sure as eggs are eggs! 
Retired 2 weeks later, 3 weeks short of my 58th birthday. No regrets at all after 16 years!
Wow! You really did it! I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around that!. Retired. . . Wow. Congrats!

Retired just a little under 122 months ago but who's keeping count. One thing I have never missed is WORK. Once out the door I never looked back. Enjoy your time traveling, with family, whatever you want, just ENJOY.
Not only will you be able to spend time with your aunts but with all the important people in your life.  
Wife and I both retired six months ago, (62) and one thing that drove me is how many times you see where people pass away so early in life, her mother recently passed away and although she was 82 her family history had her living to about mid 90,s. 
I don't live scared but I don't know what my experation date is........ so here we go.  
Good luck with your retirement make the most of it.
In my past life I had a job I loved, but when they offered a small retirement window with added and sweetened benefits I leaped through the window and landed in retirement bliss. Being a "type A" I thought I would find it hard to adjust, but with traveling, house and grand kids I can't fine the time to do it all.  
My better half worked about a year longer. Every morning I would get up, make her breakfast, scrape the frost off the car windshield, turn the car around in the driveway and open the door for her as she prepared to travel to work. Then as she drove off I would high five my dog and we would go back to bed! Ah, retirement is grand!
You are three weeks ahead of me. I officially retire on Dec 4 after 29 years with the same organization. Really looking forward to it - my wife retired 8 years ago at 55 from a career as a registered nurse. Since that time she has been traveling with me - 4 or 5 international trips a year and 10 or 12 trips in the USA. Nearly all of those trips were flying, then rental car and hotel.  
Now we will be in our new motor home - if we want to go 200 miles in a day we will or if we want to go more we can try for that or if we decide to do less we'll do that! We're both 63 and in relatively good health so we want to travel while we can. I'm a CPA and read a lot about finances. I recently read a good article that said you can break your retirement into three phases: 
1. The go go years
2. The slow go years
3. The no go years 
We definitely are in phase 1 for now - we'll have to see how long it takes us to get to phase 2.


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