Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Visitors Should Know Before Visiting Japan

Above, a model in traditionl kimono at Sensoji in Asakusa, Tokyo. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When visiting another country, it is important that visitors do not make any etiquette gaffes when interacting with the locals. has posted an article on what visitors should know before visiting Japan. The article will tell the reader the difference between "gifting" and "tipping" in Japan.

They wrote, in part:
In many cases, people appreciate even just the effort of trying to understand their different cultural tendencies, whether or not you get everything absolutely right. 
To that end, I spoke to Grotts and Rochelle Kopp, managing principal at Japan Intercultural Consulting, for their suggestions on what to do and say (and perhaps more importantly, what not to do and say) when visiting Japan.
To read more, go here

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