Sunday, December 6, 2015

2016 Republican National Convention

Above, the 1980 GOP National
Convention in Detroit, Michigan.

One of the things I've been considering for next year is to possibly attend the 2016 Republican National Convention.

The last convention I went to, but didn't actually go inside the arena, was in 1996 in San Diego. Amber and I just drove down to San Diego to see about buying some campaign souvenirs.

The 2016 GOP National Convention will be held in Cleveland, Ohio on July 18–21, 2016. It would be nice to attend as a delegate or alternate delegate (the last convention I attended while on the California Delegation was in 1984 in Dallas, Texas), but it would be fun to take The Beast to Cleveland and see attractions on the way and back. (I'll need to check on RV parks in the the Cleveland area.) I haven't decided on a candidate to back as yet.

We'll see how things develop between now and then.

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