Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It's Getting To Look Like...December!

Above, it was a cold night in Chiriaco Summit. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Actually, it is now December. Before we know it, it will be Christmas and then, soon after, New Year's Eve.

It is looking like December in another way: it is cold out! For Los Angeles (and many parts of California), the last week of November has been quite cold. Global warming? That's a bunch of B.S. anyway. It is a fraud perpetrated by statists to impose laws restricting everyone's freedoms. I have heard that the temperatures over the weekend for the Mojave Desert ranged from the teens to the thirties. It was very cold at Joshua Tree National Park while I was there. It was so cold that the concrete benches at the campground's amphitheater were too cold to sit on. So I stood during the ranger program on the night sky's constellations. I had on my wool coat from my days as a scout leader, and that kept me pretty warm.

November ended on a good note. My review on the Chiriaco Summit Campground (that is directly behind the General George Patton Memorial Museum) has been approved by RV Park Reviews. But there's a little problem with it. It appears on my profile page, but the link to the full review just takes people to the list of campgrounds in Indio, California. I have alerted the management of this, so hopefully it will be ironed out shortly.

I am still waiting for my latest article at JapanTravel to be approved. They have a little back-up going on there. But one of the moderators likes it. It just has to finish "going through the process".

Also, I received some orders (thank you, all) for the print edition of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan while I was in Joshua Tree National Park. I got them all ready for mailing last night and they will be mailed today.

Also, I began my Christmas shopping yesterday. Thankfully, everyone I am buying for is making the task easier as they indicated what they'd like to receive. Buying clothes for women/girls is not something I can do with any degree of competency. I as mentioned to one, giving gift cards from their favorite stores would work better as I may end up buying them "mom jeans". That definitely would not work!

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