Thursday, December 24, 2015

Tips On Handling Holiday Travel

Today is one of the busiest days for holiday travel.

To help you deal with it and to keep your sanity while on the road, Condé Nast Traveler has some tips for you. I have to drive 90 miles later today, so this is timely!

They begin with:
Holiday travel is a hassle from the get-go, but hours of car karaoke, incessant questioning, and backseat drivers only make matters worse. Now, with AAA predicting 90 percent of Americans will hit the highway for a holiday road trip, drivers’ frustration will be at an ultimate high. And while avoiding the busiest driving days of the season (December 23 and December 24, according to Waze) will certainly help keep most spirits bright, holiday stress comes for some no matter what day the road trip begins. In order to keep holiday cheer up for everyone involved, the great-great-grandson of the ultimate etiquette expert Emily Post, Daniel Post Senning, has a few tips to keep everyone—even the in-laws—sane.
To read more, go here

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