Monday, January 4, 2016

Japan's 2015 Tourism Numbers Should Be Out Shortly

Above, the Godzilla mural at Toho Studios in the Setagaya section
of Tokyo during our visit in October. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Now that 2015 is over and done with, we should be hearing at any time the final tourism numbers from the Japanese government.

At present, it is anticipated that the final count of the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan may be 19.9 million. It is possible that 20 million may have been reached. That was the goal the Japanese government set for the year 2020.

The figures will probably be disclosed through the Japan Tourism Agency.

Whatever the final tourism figures are, 2015 was still a record-breaking year for the Japanese tourism industry. We did our part when the three of us vacationed in Japan last October.

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