Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Rainstorm & The Beast

Above, The Beast at Reseda Automotive. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A winter storm has arrived, and it is the first real rainstorm to help relieve a parched California.

Sure, we've had some rains here and there, mainly light drizzles and occasional showers, but this is the first sustained rainstorm of the season, courtesy of El NiƱo. It has been long in coming.

I heard on the radio that California could get a foot of rain this month. That would put a big dent into the drought.

Of course, it had to hit on the day I had an appointment to have The Beast serviced (oil change, etc.) at Reseda Automotive. But, the job has been completed and The Beast is ready for the next road trip. I decided to switch from regular motor oil to synthetic oil. It will last longer and protect engine parts much better (The Beast has a Ford V10 Triton engine).

This rain also forced me to buy an umbrella to keep in The Beast. This was something I had intended to do anyway.

Now to dry off indoors.

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