Wednesday, February 17, 2016

24 Hours Later...

Above, the Explorer delivered in the rain. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

What a difference 24 hours makes.

Yesterday, it was warm-to-hot in the San Fernando Valley. We even had a tree go up in smoke in Tarzana (I reported on this yesterday).

Denise's Ford Explorer decided to overheat from either a hose or a radiator pipe going out last evening. (I am guessing a pipe, as a hose would be obvious and easy to replace.) Her dad was supposed to see what the problem is and get it fixed.

Well, I just got home about a half hour ago while awaiting the Auto Club tow truck to deliver the Explorer to the mechanic's shop in Reseda. Yes, it still hasn't been fixed. (The old saying goes, "If you want something done right, do it yourself!")

And, to cap things off, it is raining and cold here! It is not a big downpour, but it has been a steady rain since at least about 2:00 this afternoon (I was taking a nap and it was raining at 2:00 when I woke up). I was becoming concerned since we need the rain and February is usually our rainy month and it has been warm here for the past two weeks.

I went out into the rain to pick Denise up from work, take her home and then meet the tow truck in Reseda.

I neglected to bring a jacket and came home tonight with a drenched shirt. Oh, well.

At least the Explorer will be definitely fixed tomorrow. After we pick it up, we'll be going out to dinner at the Odyssey Restaurant. I haven't been there since the early 1990s.

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