Monday, February 1, 2016

Gaijinpot: Achieve Zen Amongst The Chaos At Tokyo's Oldest Temple

Above, the Senso-ji main hall. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of my favorite places to just relax and browse is the Senso-ji temple and the adjoining Nakamise Street shopping arcade in Asakusa.

Senso-ji is the oldest existing Buddhist temple in the Tokyo metropolitan area and has a new article on it.

They begin with:
Tokyo is famous for providing a plethora of new sensory experiences for visiting tourists. If you’ve got limited time to experience what most foreigners consider ‘authentic Tokyo’, your likely to reserve time to conquer each floor of a ginormous department store, eat at a novelty restaurant or cafĂ©, and come nightfall, sit shoulder-to-shoulder among locals in a five-seater bar. 
While you may not associate Tokyo with temples and spirituality, Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa perhaps succeeds all else in terms of historical and cultural significance. In fact, its conception is said to have greatly attributed to the popularization of the area formerly known as Edo, helping shape Tokyo into the thriving capital it is today. 
Built in 645, Senso-ji Temple is the oldest existing temple in the greater Tokyo region. Due to its connection with the most powerful Shogun family, the Tokugawa clan, the monument is glorified not only for its physicality, but distinctly for its association with warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu and acquainting people to the traditions and beliefs of the Buddhist religion.
Above, the cauldron with rising incense. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To read more, go here

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