Tuesday, February 2, 2016

In Riverside Today

Above, Riverside National Cemetery with the snow-capped San
Gabriel Mountains in the background. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It seems like each time our family goes to Riverside National Cemetery to lay to rest a family member, those occasions always seem to fall on a beautiful clear day with gorgeous views of the snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains.

Again, we gathered at the cemetery in Riverside, California to lay to rest my Aunt Rose. It was cold and windy out, but the views of the mountains were spectacular.

The ceremony was brief and personal. Following the service, my aunt's urn was taken to my Uncle Ralph's grave to be buried with him.

Prior to the services for my aunt, I paid a visit to my parents' grave (photo above). I had not been there since the funeral of Denise Geriminsky in April 2010. 

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