Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What Does Nowadays Japan Really Look Like?

Above, a Skytree view of Tokyo. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Source: TravelWires Press Release

Everyone knows some traditional Japanese elements such as Buddhist temples, floral arrangements, gardens, kimonos and traditional art However, Japan means much more. Worldwide, for example, many products and components in the field of communications, entertainment and transport are made in Japan. Therefore, many visitors ask themselves this question long before arriving in the Land of…

Everyone knows some traditional Japanese elements such as Buddhist temples, floral arrangements, gardens, kimonos and traditional art

However, Japan means much more. Worldwide, for example, many products and components in the field of communications, entertainment and transport are made in Japan. Therefore, many visitors ask themselves this question long before arriving in the Land of the Rising Sun: How does Japan feel like?

We all know the picture, already commonplace, with Mount Fuji covered with snow, the cherry blossoms and maybe a girl wearing kimono siting in the foreground. This image symbolizes the way the Japanese see themselves. They never ceases to highlight that the old arts, crafts, traditions coexist in harmony with modern technology. No other country given the old cliché of tourist brochures as land of contrasts wears this label with such naturalness and elegance.

But maybe this is not so surprising. Coming in 1860 from the isolation imposed by its leaders for 300 years, the Japanese have made as much effort to modernize, as well on how to keep their cultural identity. Therefore, the real Japan can be a matter of personal preference, that can determine the itinerary: Tokyo multiculturalism or cultural areas such as Kyoto, the older and quiet roads in the west of the country. Depending on the season you can go biking, skiing, enjoying landscapes and bathe in hot springs. Wherever you go, you’ll always encounter one of the most fascinating countries and cultures in the world.

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