Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dinosaurs For Sale

Above, a six-foot dinosaur for sale. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While on my way today to pick up some Hawaiian shirts for Aiden at the re Aloha Shirts store in Westlake Village, I spotted a garden art store next to the freeway with some cool dinosaurs.

I made a mental note to stop in on the way back. So I later did.

Above, a rack of dinosaurs. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Generally, the dinosaurs (they have six-foot ones and smaller ones) sell for about $2,500. But they are currently having a sale. The six-footers are on sale for $1,800. They are very tempting!

Above, yours truly with a 6-footer. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

As a joke, I sent a text to Denise (who is down in San Diego with her cousin):
Mommie, I want one of these! I don't have room at my apartment. Can we keep it in your yard until we get our own place? Pleezzze?
I figured she'd repond with, "You're kidding, right?" But she thought I was serious.

She replied that since she lives at her mom's house, her mom doesn't like other people's things there or anything on the grass. If it were put in the back yard, she said, "my dogs would piss all over it."

This continued on for a bit and I ramped up my "begging" and making it sound even more whiny and childish. Yet, she still thought I was serious.

Above, some smaller dinosaurs that are available. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Finally, she was getting exasperated and I told her I was kidding and said, "You need to learn when I'm pulling your leg!" She took it fine.

Still, I wouldn't mind having one. If I really wanted to get one, I'd just go ahead and buy it.

Above, a side view of the smaller dinosaurs. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The business is called Fountains and Garden Art. The store is located in Woodland Hills, next to the U.S. 101 freeway at Fallbrook Ave. Their address is 23210 Ventura Blvd. Phone (818) 223-8ART.

Above, the store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Should I send this to Don Glut?

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