Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Little Tokyo Visit: Sushi and Godzilla Toys

Above, Jay Grymyr and Armand at Sushi Go 55 in Little Tokyo.

Today was spent down in the Little Tokyo district of Los Angeles where a reunion (of sorts) with Mr. Jay "Today In G-History" Grymyr and I met up at Sushi Go 55 for lunch.

Above, my lunch. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Jay is in town for a Bruce Springsteen concert and contacted me last week.

We had a pleasant talk over sushi lunch. It seems he hasn't been to a G-FEST since 2010 (my last was in 2009) where he won some G-Pardy games.

Above, the Anime Jungle store was dominated by this Godzilla figure. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, another view of the giant Godzilla figure. You
can have it for $3,299.00. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Following lunch, We headed over to Anime Jungle for some shopping of some Godzilla toys. In looking over the Godzilla merchandise Anime Jungle had on display, it occurred to me that I can afford all that stuff, but just don't have to the space for it all.

Above, a Godzilla diorama. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, Godzilla goodies for sale. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After Anime Jungle, we then headed over to Books Kinokuniya for more browsing.

It was an enjoyable day and we should get more area G-fans together for more lunch/dinner gatherings.

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