Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Prime Minister Abe: 60 Million Japan Visitors By 2030

Above, the Wako department store in Ginza. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since Japan almost reached its 2020 goal of 20 million foreign visitors in 2015, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced a new goal.

Nikkei Asian Review reported:
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Wednesday Japan now aims to welcome 40 million foreign visitors annually by 2020 -- double the previous target -- and 60 million by 2030. 
The government has raised its target for 2020, when Tokyo will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games, from the previous 20 million amid expectations that figure will be reached before then thanks to rapid growth in tourist arrivals in the country. 
At a government tourism vision meeting, Abe announced the targets, set to be incorporated into a new tourism strategy along with measures to prepare for the swelling numbers.
You may want to consider a trip to Japan now, before the hordes take up the scarce available hotel accommodations.

To read more, go here.  

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