Thursday, March 31, 2016

The TSA Screwed Up Again!

Above, the Los Angeles International Airport control tower in the background. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The TSA screwed up again! Now we have to show up at the airport at least 2 hours before the departure time.

Japan Today reported:
NEW YORK —Fliers will likely face massive security lines at airports across the country this summer, with airlines already warning passengers to arrive at least two hours early or risk missing their flight. 
The Transportation Security Administration had anticipated that its expedited screening program, called PreCheck, would speed up lines and require fewer agents to screen passengers. But the agency has failed to enroll enough travelers, leaving TSA with too few screeners to quickly handle a growing number of fliers. 
The TSA tried to make up for that shortfall by randomly placing passengers into the express lanes. But it recently had to scale that back for fear dangerous passengers were being let through. That’s when the lines started growing, up to 90 minutes in some cases.
Thanks to the TSA, my suitcase didn't arrive in Japan last year with my flight. I was told by Singapore Airlines that the TSA held it in Los Angeles for some unknown reason. Although not their fault, as a goodwill P.R. gesture, they gave me an envelope containing ¥12,000 at the airport.

Now the TSA is making things worse for passengers with their hare-brained planning.

To read more, go here.

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