Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Release "Japan Safe" Video In English

Above, a police koban at the entrance to Nakamise Street in Asakusa, Tokyo. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan, in general, is well-known as a relatively safe place to visit. 

But, to reassure foreign visitors that their fears that Japan is not a hotbed full of terrorists and criminals just salivating to strike at them, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has a new English version PR video on YouTube.

According to Japan Today:
TOKYO —The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has released a new promotion video in English, highlighting the law enforcement work and efforts toward tackling terrorism and crime. 
The video is designed to assure foreigners of Japan’s safety ahead of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 
The 12-minute-long video was uploaded on the police department’s official YouTube channel, which was launched this month. The channel features nearly 70 videos already, including the original Japanese version of the PR video, as well as a Korean, Chinese and a kids-friendly version.
 To read more and see the video, go here.

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