Friday, April 15, 2016

New Camera Lens

Above, the new lens with the lens hood on. Photo by Armand Vaquer.
One little problem did crop up during my recent trip to Yosemite National Park.

On my Canon EOS T5i camera, while shooting pictures at the Tunnel View viewpoint of Yosemite Valley, I was getting "Error 20" messages and the shutter would not work. I would be able to shut down the camera and turn it on again several times and get the camera to work. Then, after a few pictures, the error message would pop back on again.

I was checking out the camera this morning and the error message would again pop up. It would pop up around 25% of the time. That's one thing I miss about analog (or film) cameras, these kinds of problems never cropped up. But that's digital cameras for you!

I went online to see what this error message was all about. Mostly, it has something to do with the lens, according to what I was able to find out. But the only way to determine that is to put on another lens and see if the error message would come on.

After reading this, I put in my Canon telephoto lens and, just like the online troubleshooting guide said, the error message didn't come on. So, at least it's not the camera with the problem, but the 55-250mm lens (that came with the camera) was causing the problem.

I had two choices, get the lens to the Canon repairer or get another lens.

Since we're to go to Hawaii in a few weeks, I need a reliable lens to use. But, it is questionable that repairs would be done on time before we go.

I went to Woodland Hills Camera with my camera to see what they have available. I tried out several lenses and settled on a Tamron 18-270mm lens.

Above, the lens without the lens hood. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

They said to have the problem lens fixed, it would cost around $80. I could have left it there right then, but the main reason I didn't was that I didn't have its protective lens caps with me. So I decided to wait until the Hawaii trip was over.

I really like the new lens. Woodland Hills Camera allowed me to take it outside to try it out. It should provide some great shots, especially during our helicopter tour of the volcanic national park and waterfalls on the Big Island. I will try it out during the Clamp-out next week. It also came with a lens hood. Also, I bought a UV lens filter for it.

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