Sunday, April 24, 2016

Platrix Clamp-Out At Tehachapi Loop

Above, Clampers gathered at the Hall of Comparative Ovations for the initiation rites. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Spring 2016 Clamp-out of Platrix Chapter No. 2, E Clampus Vitus is now history. This was The Beast's first clamp-out and everything worked great (as usual).

It was an enjoyable weekend for me and about 150 other Clampers. This was my first clamp-out I've attended since October 2007 (at Amboy, California with the Billy Holcomb Chapter).

Above, enjoying cigars on Saturday. 

Glenn Thornhill and I left Sylmar, California at about 9:30 Friday morning and we got to the site at about noon (give or take). After going through two check-in gates, we found our campsite and set up camp. That only took a few minutes. We were one of the first to get into the site on Friday.

Above, The Beast at the clamp-out. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The clamp-site was on the Keene Ranch outside of Tehachapi and near the train tracks to the nearby Tehachapi Loop.

Above, the Platrix store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.
Above, items for sale at the Platrix Chapter store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Friday consisted of socializing, eating and drinking. Along with that, visits to the Platrix store for souvenirs and t-shirts were a high priority.

One of our group, unfortunately had too much to drink and fell backwards on his head twice, with the second fall right on a rock. We have members who are paramedics and firemen who checked him and notified the Kern County Department paramedics. He was taken to the Tehachapi hospital where he was checked, including a CAT scan. He suffered no serious injuries and came back the following morning in much better shape than when he left.

Above, Glenn Thornhill with Tom Bent in the background during the initiation. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Friday night dinner and Saturday morning breakfast was served by the chapter's sub-group, That Certain Camp.

Friday began as a nice, sunny day and ended with rain. Fortunately, it blew through fast and it was clear (but colder) on Saturday.

Above, a buzzard flies over the initiation waiting to grab a meal. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Saturday was the day for the initiation of new members and the fun that that entails. Members of the Peter Lebeck Chapter arrived with their store, giving attendees additional items to part with their money for. After breakfast, the Bretheren gathered for Brandy Alexanders.

Above, the Peter Lebeck Chaper's store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.
Above, some of the items for sale at the Peter Lebeck store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Then, that night, dinner was served by the chapter's caterer (barbecue ribs, barbecue chicken, beans, salad, garlic bread, scallop potatoes and dessert).

Sunday began with a catered breakfast by the chapter. Following breakfast, most everyone, including us, broke camp and headed home.

Above, Sunday morning breakfast. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Glenn and I seemed to have not been paying too much attention while we were either talking or there were no signs to be seen for getting on Highway 14 in Mojave as we drove 30 miles out of our way. We noticed that nothing in the vicinity looked familiar and we realized we were headed for Barstow, not Palmdale. So, we turned around in Boron and headed back. That was a waste of a half hour and 60 miles of gasoline (for the round-trip).

But, we eventually found Highway 14 in Mojave and headed home. I got home around 11:30.

We had a good laugh over this. That's another story for entertainment at future clamp-outs.

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