Monday, December 26, 2016

Booking "Imperfect" Rooms In Japan Saves Money

Above, buildings block my hotel room's view of Nagasaki Harbor. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A new concept in cheaper hotels or ryokans is taking hold in Japan.

If an accommodation has rooms that have "imperfections", visitors booking them will find that they will save a lot of money if they don't mind the imperfection.

The Japan News (Yomiuri Shimbun) wrote:
Low-priced accommodation plans offered by ryokan inns and hotels for rooms with imperfections such as poor views or limited space are becoming popular at tourist spots. 
Behind the popularity of such discounted accommodation plans is said to be a sharp rise in room charges due to an increase in the number of foreign visitors to Japan. Some travel booking websites with special sections for low-priced accommodation plans have seen a substantial rise in the number of reservations. 
Discounts on physical products with imperfections, such as oddly shaped food items, are well-known. This concept has now spread to the travel industry.
To read more, go here

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