Sunday, December 11, 2016

In-Flight Phone Calls Under Consideration

The idea of allowing in-flight phone calls is not one I like. Who wants to hear some inconsiderate loudmouth idiot chatting on his/her phone in the confinement of an airplane's cabin?

That's what may occur if the Department of Transportation lifts the current ban on in-flight cellphone calls.

According to Japan Today:
WASHINGTON —Airlines could let passengers make in-flight phone calls using Wi-Fi under a proposal from U.S. federal regulators. 
Flight attendants and others have complained that the calls could be disruptive. But the Department of Transportation said that it envisioned allowing the calls if airlines tell all customers about the policy when they buy their tickets. 
That way, customers could make other travel arrangements if they feared sitting next to passengers chatting on their phones. 
There is a 60-day comment period, and the proposal leaves the door open to the possibility that federal officials could still impose an outright ban. 
The Federal Communications Commission prohibits passengers from making cellphone calls during flights, but not Wi-Fi calls.
To read more, go here

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