Sunday, December 18, 2016

It's Cold!

Above, a warmer locale in Waikoloa, Hawaii. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I knew that it would be cold in Tarzana. I felt it last night when I had to go to the market for a few things and it was quite cold outside.

According to the Weather Channel app on my phone, it is 32° in Tarzana. To confirm this, I took a peek out my patio window to see my thermometer and it read 39°. That's a little better, but still "Colder than a witch's t*t!" (as my dad used to say).

It looks like L.A. is not immune to the cold snap that's happening across the country. At least we won't have to feel left out. I even heard that it snowed in Hawaii recently. Global warming? Baloney!

It seems that I bought back the cold temperatures I experienced during my cross-country trip last month. 

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