Thursday, December 8, 2016

John Glenn

Above, President Kennedy and Glenn examine Glenn's Mercury capsule following his orbital mission.

There were seven men chosen to be America's first astronauts. They were called "The Original Seven". Now they are all gone.

The Columbus Dispatch reported:
His legend is otherworldly and now, at age 95, so is John Glenn. 
An authentic hero and genuine American icon, Glenn died this afternoon surrounded by family at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus after a remarkably healthy life spent almost from the cradle with Annie, his beloved wife of 73 years, who survives. 
He, along with fellow aviators Orville and Wilbur Wright and moon-walker Neil Armstrong, truly made Ohio first in flight.
Glenn was a test pilot, the first American to orbit the Earth, the oldest man to fly into space (at age 77) and a U.S. Senator (he'd be considered a conservative Democrat by today's standards).

He definitely had a good run.

To read more, go here.

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